
Showing posts from 2018

All About Malware - Overview

                          Malware stands for malicious software,  meaning software that can be used to cause harm to the host  computer.  Malware is a broad term that refers to a variety of malicious programs. The most common types of malware as below :  Virus Adware Bot Ransomware  Rootkit Spyware Trojan Horse Worm Spam Keylogger Backdoors Phishing Lets discuss each one in detail : Virus            A computer virus is malicious computer program  that replicates by copying itself to another program or computer boot sector which changes the way computer works.  A virus can be spread by opening an email attachment, clicking on an  executable  file, visiting an infected website, connecting removable storage device or viewing an  infected website advertisement . Adware           Adware is unwant...

Cyber Threat Intelligence

Gartner Definition:   Threat intelligence is evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's response to that menace or hazard.  To understand this term easily lets split the words and bring out meaning to it :  Cyber :  relating to or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality. Threat :  thing likely to cause damage or danger. Intelligence :  the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.                 Cyber Threat intelligence helps Organisation to understands the risk of most common External threats. T hreat intelligence includes in-depth information about specific threats to help an organization protect itself from the types of attacks that could do them the most damage....


What is SOC?                    Security operations centers monitor and analyze activity on networks, servers, endpoints, databases, applications, websites, and other systems, looking for anomalous activity that could be indicative of a security incident or compromise. The SOC is responsible for ensuring that potential security incidents are correctly identified, analyzed, defended, investigated, and reported. SOC works with collaboration with People, Process and Technology.  SOC Architecture PEOPLE:                  The best way to think of a SOC is as a centralized team of people who provide threat monitoring, investigation, and response.  Larger SOCs employ a three-level analyst structure for handling security alerts generated by a security system or SIEM.  Level 1 analysts are responsible for real-time monitoring of security alerts, doing tri...

Damn Vulnerable Web Application - Part 1

The Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) provides a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable whose goal of being an intentionally vulnerable system for practice/teaching purposes in regard to Information Security.There are many Methods for Installing DVWA on Platforms Like Windows and Linux, In this blog i will show the easiest Walk-through for Beginners to Learn and Exploit Web Application. So let us Start with Installation and Implementation of DVWA. Step By Step Installation 1) Requirement :  Windows system for Managing VM Virtual Box ( Link ) or VMware ( Link ) should be installed on system Kali-ISO ( Link ) DVWA ISO ( Link ) 2) Switch-ON Kali and DVWA virtual machines Both must be in HOST only Adapter (we can change using VM Network setting).  3) After the Installation of Kali and DVWA in VM, find the IP address of DWVA using the Command ifconfig and Check Connectivity between them using ping command. 4) Run Kali machine and DVWA ma...