Top Commands Mostly Used By System Administrator.

Top Commands Mostly Used By System Administrator. 1) IPconfig IPCONFIG Simply entering ipconfig at the command line will return basic addressing information for your system, including the adapter name, IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. 2) IPconfig /all IPCONFIG/ALL Shows all networking information for the system, including host name, node type, adapter names, MAC addresses, DHCP lease information, etc. 3) Ping PING Ping command to verify that a host can be reached over the network. This command is useful for diagnosing host and network connectivity problems. The device sends a series of ICMP echo (ping) requests to a specified host and receives ICMP echo responses. 4) Ping "Website-name" PING TO WEBSITE This above command used to find the IP address associated with The Specific Website. eg: is the IP address for Website 5) Tracert "IP address" TRACE COMMAND Tracert comm...